An Online Journal
R&D for the Soul
God’s heart is for relief and deliverance.
Esther 4:14

Silent God, Silent Man
With so many eager to jump on the Spiritual Formation bandwagon, few have stopped to ask the serious questions: where did this movement come from? What are its philosophical and theological origins? Is Spiritual Formation really just discipleship, or is there something subtler and more subversive at play? Silent God, Silent Man tackles all of these issues head-on and explores the intimate relationship between Spiritual Formation and mysticism, Gnosticism, universalism, postmodernism, and radical ecumenism. Thoroughly documented and clearly presented, Silent God, Silent Man lays out in detail the warning signs both in your spiritual walk and in your local church and provides you with the tools you need to discern the truth in troubling times.
Latest Content

Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret – A Review
In their book, Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret, Don and Joy Veinot along with Marcia Montenegro take the reader along the path to discovering what the Enneagram is, where the Enneagram supposedly came from, and who actually made it up.
Call It What You Want
Is it important to pay attention to the words we use in Christian thought and practice? Yes, but maybe less important that the definition of terms.
Think Tank Opinion
The Theology Think Tank opinion blog is your spot for regular insights, analysis, and opinions on the things that matter most.

Call It What You Want
Is it important to pay attention to the words we use in Christian thought and practice? Yes, but maybe less important that the definition of terms.

Can Spirituality Be Detached From A Practice?
Can spirituality be separated from practice? Many in the Christian world think so and are eager to adopt every wind of doctrine. But is that a good idea?

Have We Turned Love Into God?
God is love, as the Scriptures declare. But should we treat this like a mathematical corollary? In other words, is it also true that love is God? It’s a difficult question, but the answer could be the difference between teaching a true or false gospel.

Christian Living, Part 4: Studying the Bible
Increasingly the modern church is teaching that the Bible is a great book with many helpful ideas. Studying the Bible reveals how powerful it really is.

Christian Living, Part 3: The Heart in Action
Very few preachers or teacher spend any time illuminating what the Bible means by ‘the heart,” let alone get to the root of the heart in action.

The Enneagram and Richard Rohr
The father of the modern Enneagram craze is none other than Richard Rohr. We conclude our series on the Enneagram by going straight to the source.